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Next-Generation Embedded Analytics

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Next-Generation Embedded Analytics

Embedded analytics has come a long way from simple static reports integrated into an application to an advanced way of data storytelling. Today, software providers are aggressively looking to bring technologies like AI, data science, machine learning, OLAP in their products to spur growth. Here’s a quick look at what the next-gen of embedded analytics brings to the table.

Machine Learning Driven Predictions

We no longer just work in the present but prepare for the future, well in advance. Predictive analytics charts trends and predictions and supports decision-making with futuristic insights. Modern analytics is about automating even the decision-making process with automated script generations, deep learning, and predictions. Contemporary BI platforms can seamlessly integrate into your applications and add predictive analytics capabilities to it.

Inbuilt 360-Degree Dashboards

With embedded analytics, you can provide easy access to 360-degree dashboards to your application users across different roles and departments. Presenting collated insights from different systems, processes as a single version of truth enables them to do a strategic analysis of data from all aspects.

Ubiquitous Data Access across Organization

Another advantage of embedded analytics is, it is tailored to look as your customers’ demand. This increases the adoption rate across organizations significantly. Business users do not require any additional training. They can themselves perform advanced analytics on their data as they are used to the application interface. They can bring out real-time insights without having to spend more time understanding and juggling various platforms. This democratizes insights-driven decision making across the organization and results in strategic operations.

Easy Upgrades to New Innovations

Embedded analytics platforms have a team of BI experts who constantly lookout for innovations. These innovations are readily available to you as a part of your application. You can provide a feature-packed analytics experience to your customers in lesser time. Embedded analytics shortens the time-to-market for your application as well as brings the latest features in it. As the technology evolves, you can truly define your application as a next-generation solution.

A New Revenue Stream

With powerful analytics capabilities inside your application, you can help your customers or prospects to bring out valuable insights from the application data. This will not only help you to retain your existing consumers from diverting to other vendors but also to use this as a USP to add a new revenue stream for yourself.


The modern embeddable BI and analytics platforms help you surpass the limitations of basic coded reports in your product and deliver a truly exceptional BI experience to your customers. This not only helps you meet the demands of your customers but to create a USP and generate a revenue stream altogether.

The competition out there is intense. With the latest technological advancements and embedded analytics in your application, even in unexpected times, you will have an edge over your competitors. Meeting and exceeding customer demands is crucial if you are looking to stand out. To know more about how embedded analytics can transform your application, read our solution brief.

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