Join our Live Demo: AI/ML-Powered Churn Analytics for Insurers
20th Nov | 3 PM
Join our Live Demo: AI/ML-Powered Churn Analytics for Insurers
20th Nov | 3 PM

Intelligent Insights for Everyone

Intellicus > Intelligent Insights for Everyone

Intelligent Insights for Everyone

Intellicus is packed with features for everyone in the organization, from IT and data administrators to business users to access insights out of data as per their roles and needs.

Intellicus comes with a wide array of features that meet all your BI needs.

Canned Standard Reporting

Design highly formatted, pixel-perfect, printable forms and operational reports. Get contemporary style of web controls like dynamic data grids and various charting options for data depiction.

Self-serve Ad-hoc Reporting

Our intuitive, drag-and-drop UI enables you to customize reports according to your business needs, and derive meaningful insights whenever you need.

High Speed OLAP

Sub-second, multi-dimensional analytics to let you explore all your data in a single screen to give a panoramic view of your business at the speed of your thought.

ETL enabled Metalayer

Join data from multiple systems to bring them into a single report or dashboard. You can extract and transform the data from diverse sources- both modern and traditional for your analytics.

Report Scheduling and Bursting

Schedule to auto-deliver reports to various stakeholders. You can distribute reports in different formats and customize the view for recipients.

Enterprise Mobility

Stay connected with your data anywhere, anytime with Intellicus mobile BI. You can access your dashboards & reports on any iOS and Android handheld devices.

Certified Security

Access your data safely with certified, anti-theft security. Our multiple layers of security ensure 100% data protection on all devices.

International Multilingual Support

Read your data in the language of your choice. 30+ international languages to choose from. Intellicus lets you visualize reports in your own language without any boundaries.

Data Science for Everyone

  • Machine Learning
  • Data Preparation
  • Prediction
  • What-If Analysis

Intellicus Data Science capability empowers businesses to analyze the future by doing machine learning of data, predictive analytics and what-if analysis. Data Science helps to dig deep into a variety of insights.

Business User and Data Science

Businesses explore ways to process their data to bring out unknown causative factors and also see how do they affect future. A data scientist needs easy access to data and transformation tools and business users need simpler access to machine learning tools, predictions, and be able to perform what-if analysis by themselves.

Integrated Development Environment

Intellicus provides seamless connection to R and Python Data Science engines and gives full access to all Data Science libraries. You can build your scripts and models inside Intellicus to communicate with Data Science engines.

Data Cleansing and Preparation

Intellicus Data Science capability allows users to create relevant scripts and do data cleansing. Data Cleansing can easily identify incorrect, inaccurate, incomplete and/or duplicate data and help in modifying, removing or freezing them from further

Future is Now with Predictive Analytics

Intellicus can help you get trends and predictions by doing 360-degree analysis and real-time calculations on your data with Data Science. These insights and predictions help you seize business opportunities well ahead in time.

Advanced Visualizations

Intellicus can fetch advanced plots created in Data Science engines and add them to your reports and dashboards. Along with visuals inside Intellicus, adding plots created in Data Science engines will empower you to visualize your data in many intuitive ways.

Devise the Future with What-If Analysis

Scale-up your business with a peek into the future of your data with what-if analysis. Based on your business vision, you can get predictions by adjusting different values/parameters in your data. Intellicus with Data Science does all the complex mathematical calculations to make these predictions.

Real-Time Visualizations on Streaming Data

  • Real-Time Data Sources
  • Instant Visualization
  • Alert Capturing

Intellicus introduces real-time visualizations on streaming data enabling you to analyze your data as it comes, without any time lag. Our highly scalable and robust architecture helps you visualize and get alerts right in time.

The IoT

With the advent of IoT and data coming from different devices, businesses and consumers are generating data at a record pace every day. Nowadays, it’s not only about making well-informed decisions, but they should be timely and actionable too.

Intellicus lets you constantly track your business processes from the data coming from multiple sources. You can extract valuable insights from your moving data to make near real-time decisions and increase your organization’s operational efficiency.

Data on the queue

With Intellicus’ real-time visualizations you can read over 5000 events per second, and hundreds of users can view the data simultaneously. Intellicus can connect to applications such as StreamAnalytix™ and others, which emit data continuously on Message Queuing softwares like Rabbit MQ, Kafka, Java Message Queue etc. to provide visualizations
on streaming data.

Intellicus supports dynamically changing counter charts, gauge charts, GIS Maps and various XY charts among others.

Real-Time Visualizations:

  • Multiple widgets – View different indicators of your business in real-time on a single screen
  • Browser-based viewing – Access and analyze your real-time data from anywhere with the option of accessing reports via a web browser
  • Pause & play – Pause & play at your point of interest and analyze it closely
  • Filter – Create filter criteria to easily view specific information that you are looking for.
  • Snapshots – Take snapshots manually or automatically, if the real-time indicators cross given thresholds

Mobile Analytics

  • Reports and Dashboards on Mobile
  • Interactive Visualizations
  • Enterprise Security

Intellicus Mobile BI takes your reports and analytics to tablets and phones, on both Android and iOS platforms. With Intellicus mobile BI, take insights with you and get quick access to your reports and dashboards from wherever you are.

Interactive Visualizations

Perform ad-hoc and multidimensional analysis on the move with or without internet connectivity. Choose from a wide variety of charts to build visually rich reports on your mobile.

Mobile-Ready Reports

Subscribe to Dashboards and Reports on mobile devices. Update data when online, interact & analyze while offline. Compare versions for delta analyses.

Self-Serve Analysis

Swipe & tap for measuring data on various parameters. Draw charts on different dimensions and drill into details. Apply filtering, sorting and grouping for detailed analysis. Take easy actions that do not need guidance from IT people.

Intuitive Ad-hoc & High-Speed Report Viewer

Use ad-hoc & high-speed report viewer in Intellicus mobile BI to get the accurate, real-time and interactive analysis of data from various dimensions. Intellicus responsive reports and dashboards dynamically adapt to any screen size by rearranging and resizing visuals without any efforts.

Enterprise Grade Security

Intellicus’ stringent security measures ensure that your data is safe, always. From the server, the access to reports and dashboard is controlled by your role, with an option to whitelist the mobile device from which you can access the reports. The administrator can also block the device and recall data in case of a lost device or user discontinuation. You can set a secret pin code to secure Intellicus on your device.

Embed Mobile BI

Intellicus mobile SDK embeds all the mobile BI features into your mobile application. Creating a new mobile application or releasing a customized version on the App store is a matter of few hours of work using Intellicus mobile SDK.

In the store

The off-the-shelf Intellicus mobile application and the SDK both are available on iOS App Store and Google Play Store. Download the Intellicus mobile application from the stores and try it yourself!

Analytics Driven Security Management

  • Multiple Data Source Connectivity
  • Real-Time Insights & Alerts
  • Predictions of Breaches & Threats

SIEM customers are now demanding deeper insights from their data. They need a solution that goes beyond simple information and event management to deliver real-time alerts and predict different patterns of malicious activities. Intellicus seamlessly integrates with different SIEM tools to collate and analyze data across the enterprise. Analytics-driven SIEM with Intellicus enables IT teams to monitor threats in real time and respond quickly to incidents to evade or minimize the damage.

Multiple Data Sources

Intellicus can read and analyze data coming from multiple assets like machine data sources, business applications, and proprietary data sources. It enables you to capture insights from across your infrastructure in a single screen.

Real-Time Monitoring

Intellicus monitors data logs real time and sends out alerts to all stakeholders instantly. It can read 5000 events per second, or more, depending on device capacity. Whether the data comes from weblogs, application usage or digital transactions, real-time monitoring with Intellicus enables rapid action on breaches. Intellicus presents real-time insights as actionable, responsive dashboards. Users can click and act upon a value, right from the dashboard.

Machine Learning and Predictive Analytics

Intellicus can collect data from different sources and identify multiple patterns in that data using machine learning algorithms. On basis of these patterns, Intellicus can predict the next threat or attack. These predictions help in alerting the teams and enable them to address future threats today.

Risk Assessment

Intellicus reports correlation and probability of any malicious activity as it occurs. It also empowers IT teams find anomalies at the aggregation level and then drill down into details. With Intellicus, users can set multiple conditions to track breaches.Intellicus processes data on basis of these conditions and alerts the users when any set condition is met. Intellicus further simplifies analytics by presenting these insights as highly interactive reports and dashboards. Users get 360 degree analysis in a single screen and can further drill down to points of interest.

IT departments can benefit from Intellicus by:

  • Tracking user activity
  • Tracking traffic sources to identify suspicious visits
  • Analyzing malware activity
  • Analyzing firewall activity
  • Tracking access and authentication

Embedded Business Intelligence

  • Single Sign-On
  • Seamless Integration
  • White Labelling

Intellicus gives the power of comprehensive Business Intelligence to your application, enabling your users to visually analyze your application data. Enable your customers to make data-driven decisions and get an edge over your competitors with self-serve BI capabilities.

Single Sign-On

Intellicus provides a secured reporting workspace to each user of your application. With a highly secured SSO integration system, navigate seamlessly between your application and the reporting screens with appropriate authorizations & authentications.

Integrate Seamlessly on the Web

Ranging from attractive dashboards to reports, you can embed incredible visualizations by inducing analytical capabilities to your solution. Intellicus provides seamless screen embedding as well as data integration with application by an extensive range of data and controller APIs.

RESTful Web Services

Intellicus exposes native and REST APIs that a developer can use and make his application communicate with Intellicus and make use of all the Intellicus functions embedded in any custom web page or application.

White Label

You can brand Intellicus BI with your name, logo and aesthetics. You can release your branded BI system to your customers powered by Intellicus.

Embedded Mobile App

Access your business-critical data on your mobile device via your mobile application. Intellicus mobile SDK embeds all the mobile BI features into your mobile application. Creating a new mobile application or releasing a customized version on the App store is a matter of few hours of work using Intellicus mobile SDK.

Packaging & Deployment

Intellicus’ industry-leading installation integration, and reporting objects’ packaging and deployment mechanism help you develop and distribute reports and dashboards with extraordinary ease.

Personalized localization

Intellicus comes in more than 30 international languages. Different users from the same multi-tenant instance can personalize localization based on their preference.

Training and Support

Equipped with best-in-class professionals to assist you achieve the shortest time to market – we provide an unmatched experience in integrating Intellicus with applications of any technology and framework. Our 24 x 7 support team will be just a call away for helping you manage customer incidences!

Connect All Data

  • Connect All Your Data on a Single Platform
  • Unified Semantic Layer
  • Extract Transform Analyze

Intellicus connects different types of data, from multiple sources on one system for analysis. You can bring in data from diverse sources like traditional RDBMS, applications, social media platforms, big data lakes, web services, file-systems etc.

ETL and Semantic Layer

Intellicus’ built-in ETL and semantic layer feature let you build an enterprise data warehouse and business data layer for end user self-serve business analytics.


Intellicus can connect to all the Relational Database Management systems using JDBC, ODBC and even other vendor-specific technologies. From the heavyweights Oracle, IBM DB2, Sybase, MSSQL to popular systems like PostgreSQL, MYSQL, Intellicus connects all of them to build a unified semantic layer.

File Systems

Flat files are popularly used for exporting data and offer a simple interface to communicate with them. With Intellicus, you can connect to Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, CSV files, XML, JSON, files on FTP and network path etc. and do attractive reporting on your raw data.

Web Services

Intellicus can extract data from web service and microservice applications, social media platforms and help you transform it for reporting and analytics. Intellicus supports REST and SOAP.

Streaming Data Sources

With Intellicus you can perform powerful real-time analytics on data coming from streaming data sources to get timely and actionable insights. Intellicus helps you to read events in real time from messaging queues like RMQ, JMS and KAFKA.

Big Data Analytics

You can leverage the power of distributed data processing platforms like Hadoop, Greenplum, Teradata, Cassandra, Impala, Vertica, SAP HANA, Hive, MongoDB etc. with Intellicus to perform MapReduce or similar job-based data processing for analytics and pull out deeper insights from your data.

Cloud Compatibility

Intellicus can seamlessly connect to your data sources on cloud and help you extract data as it is generated. AmazonEC2, AmazonS3, Microsoft Azure etc. are some of many that it connects with.

HR Analytics

  • 360 Degree People Insights
  • Demand Analysis and Hiring
  • Budgeting and Planning
  • Skill Matrix and Training Analysis
  • Attrition Trends and Factoring

Organizations today demand scientific methods to understand human resource needs and nurture people to make the business efficient. Knowing the demand of counts and skills and planning for hiring, training and reskilling, is key to any successful business. Intellicus powered by machine learning based HR analytics gives business leaders insights into demand and distribution of people, prediction of attrition, what-if in budgeting and many more.

360 Degree People Insights

Employee data is spread across multiple systems and sources in different locations. Intellicus can connect to all the different data sources – ERPs, excel sheets, social media, HR portals etc., analyze the data and present the single source of truth for the organization. It enables business leaders to get real time, 360-degree view of complete business – revenue, employee headcount, forecasts, hiring demand, E-SAT and attrition predictions and more.

Demand Analysis and Hiring

Businesses can analyze different data patterns and get predictive insights on hiring demand in next 6 to 12 months. They can also get predictions like how many candidates are likely to accept or reject the job offers and can plan for corrections to be introduced in the process to increase the probability of successful hiring. Intellicus further enables businesses to correlate these insights with expenses and revenue. This enables business heads to foresee the impact on budget of hiring people at different departments, roles and locations.

Budgeting and Planning

Using Intellicus, businesses can analyze various expenses associated with each employee, department or business unit, across multiple locations.

Business leaders can easily drill down into details like location wise spend on salaries, infrastructure vs. revenue and get a what-if analysis on how a change in any expense will impact the revenue in coming days.

Skill Matrix and Training Analysis

Intellicus enables businesses to do complete skill analysis of their employees and identify different training opportunities. Business leaders get insights like how many people need to be upgraded or trained on a new skill or what key skills should be acquired to improve efficiency. In addition, insights on employee scores enable them to see how different trainings are adding value to overall employee performance. Knowing the training needs and their impact enables businesses to plan for trainings well ahead in time and ensure that their workforce is ready for the next new trend, even before it comes.

Attrition Trends and Factoring

Intellicus has inbuilt data science capabilities and can do what-if analysis on all the data including ESAT and past attrition data to predict probable attrition. Business leaders can leverage these insights to make proactive changes and ascertain human resource demand for the coming days.

Data Driven Retailing

  • Customer Behavior Analysis
  • Demand & Supply Forecasting
  • Pricing and Promotion Planning
  • Strategic Operational Intelligence
  • Harmonize Omnichannel Operations

Retailing has seen a revolution in the last couple of decades and has the potential to innovate further with technology and strategy. Being omnichannel has become imperative for retailers to do effective and efficient business. As retail explores their tremendously potential growth across new channels, it needs pathways to analyze the multidimensional data generated from all the sources and channels.

Omnichannel Analytics Dashboard

Retailers leverage Intellicus to get 360 degree insights on all operations, across multiple channels. Intellicus unifies inventory, campaigns, sales and customer data from all channels and provides multidimensional analytics. In a single, interactive dashboard, one can compare business performance across platforms and drill down into deeper insights.

Customer Behavior Analysis

Intellicus analyzes customer transaction patterns, feedback, social media interactions and more. It can correlate promotions and transactions across different channels. Intellicus can also provide market basket analysis at customer level. Retailers can leverage these correlations to plan the right campaign to the right prospect and decide the right upsell or cross sell at the right time.

Customer Segmentation and Market Basket Planning

Intellicus helps retailers to create customer segments by understanding their purchase behavior. Retailers can analyze underlying patterns of customers who usually shop together, what sells together, preferred shopping days, spend ranges etc. These classifications enable retailers to strategize their store layouts, product placements, staff placement, loyalty programs and take powerful, data driven decisions.

Pricing and Product Optimization

Intellicus helps retailers to forecast sales and profit with what-if analysis. Pricing and discounting is a critical factor to know the impacts in advance. One can do multidimensional what-if analysis to check the impact of changing price or discounting to margin improvement, inventory cost improvement etc. Intellicus does slice and dice based waterfall analysis, parity analysis to know which items are to be focused upon versus deprecated.

Demand Forecast and Predictive Analytics

Intellicus’ predictive analytics help retailers to assess the future, by not just the singular trend factor but using multidimensional, multi factor machine learning based prediction models. By scientifically knowing the upcoming demand, one can optimize the inventory, supply chain to reduce inventory cost and sales-opportunity-loss.

Point of Sale (POS) Real-Time Analytics

Intellicus provides IOT based real time data analysis, to collect data from shopping carts, POS, etc. and analyze retail shelf refill efficiency, POS performance, revenue inflow and staff efficiency. With Intellicus, retailers can analyse all these data in real time and get instant, actionable alerts at customizable thresholds.

Analytics Driven Transformation in Manufacturing

  • IIoT Analytics
  • Real-Time Monitoring
  • Predictive Maintenance
  • Unified Analytics Platform

With Industrial Internet of Things on rise, the need for data analytics with real-time predictive capabilities is growing stronger in the manufacturing industry. As manufacturers aim to draw actionable futuristic intelligence, they need new-age BI technologies that can tap into their web of data to bring out meaningful insights for right now and for the future.

Industrial Internet of Things Analytics

IoT connects devices and processes to people. The convergence of digital ecosystem is generating data at an unfathomable rate with tons of insights buried in it. With Intellicus, manufacturers can analyze data coming from disparate data sources; the data ranges from machine operation time to heat signatures.

Manufacturers can leverage advanced analytical capabilities of Intellicus to dig deep into this data to explore a variety of insights and use them for process improvement, safety compliance monitoring and future planning for their production units.

Real-Time Quality Monitoring and Alerts

Automated production process runs in a long chain of individual activities. In automated production units, if any small deviation goes unnoticed until a production cycle is complete, then it may be too late to rectify the issue to maintain product quality. With Intellicus, manufacturers can apply machine learning on historical data, apply the models to the real-time data coming from production lines and predict an anomaly that could reduce the quality. Intellicus generates alerts, and helps business users to visualize these real-time predictions on production lines’ blueprints and identify the exact spot-of-bother for timely intervention. This helps to prevent wastage, troubleshoot the causative factors in-time, and enables lean manufacturing.

Predictive Maintenance

Machinery maintenance is a major activity in manufacturing industries. Regular interval maintenance cycles are costly and may not be effective in addressing the root causes. Intellicus helps manufacturers analyze the historical performance of machines, co-relate with industry reference data and predict when any machine is likely to fail, to identify the best possible schedule for its maintenance. This helps in process optimization, increases asset utilization, and reduces cost.

Unified Analytics

Manufacturing industries have processes running individually at various locations, production units, different plants and units. Intellicus is capable of combining data coming from various PLCs, SCADA systems, ERPs, and other sources and helps manufacturers to create a unified analytics platform for remote monitoring and analytics, and publish insights as dashboards.

Intellicus enables granular visibility of information with interlinking and drill down capabilities so as business users can track, identify various key parameters, related to production, resource effectiveness and operations and get a holistic viewpoint of their entire data. Industries can focus on disruptive innovations with transformational analytics in place as the risks are covered by being data driven.

Future Ready BI

We have you covered

  • Simple
  • Secure
  • Scalable
  • Self-Serve BI
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